Saturday, June 14, 2008

June 14, 2008 - Saturday - Get Home Itis

When I woke up, Kent and Greg had already left for home. The river was capping, but the temperature was quite cool. The rest of us followed the usual routine - Dog River Coffee Shop, followed by Breakfast at Bett's. Cam and Moritz are staying until Sunday. After much discussion the rest of the gang ignored the wind in the corridor and headed East with the thought that if it was blowing in Roosevelt (contrary to the weather forecast), they would stop for a few hours and sail. I said goodbye, and then went to visit my "Nitinat" friends Jon, Michelle, Tim and Val. Jon and Michelle were going to a strawberry fest with their kids. I had just missed Tim and Val - who were going to the Event Site to Sail.

I met up with them there, and had a great sail for about an hour on my 4.8m Hucker and Seatrend Comp Wave Board. Great seeing them again. The sailing was good, but I remember now why we don't sail the Event site very often. Lots of beginners, and the waves are all chopped up on the outside. Some good rollers to have fun with, but probably more difficult to sail than the Hatchery or Swell City...

4.8 Hucker at the Event Site. Quinn and Val
Tim, sailing a 78l board and 5.0.
I packed up and left by about 1:00.
The river was glass when I passed Roosevelt, so I don't imagine the rest of the gang got a last days sailing........Ha Ha Ha!!! Sorry Guy's - You missed the last one!

What a great trip!!

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