Friday, June 13, 2008

June 12, 2008 - Thursday - Hatchery

We arrived at the Hatchery after breakfast at Bett's. The river looked calm compared to yesterday. Should be an easy sail........

This place always has a way of humbling a person.

Probably partly because we were all sore and tired from the great session yesterday. The wind was blowing 3.3 to 5.6. Hang on in the gusts, and float around in the lulls. Huge swells on the inside, sometimes with wind and sometimes not.....

Harold and Kent, won the day with the most time on the water. All the rest of us sailed as much as we could, but it was exhausting sailing.

Mortiz took the day off, and went for a bike ride. Bad sunburn on his dome...

Cam worked hard, but ended up down stream of Kodiak point a couple of times. One Rescue by the guy's, and one self rescue over the rocks.

I sailed on my 4.8 and Seatrend Comp wave 90litre. That was probably the best choice - I was able to handle the gusts, and the floaty board kept me above the water in the lulls.

It was a hard day. I shot some video and took some photos, but unfortunately most of the guy's were on the beach watching/resting so it was mostly the Harold and Kent show, with a bit of Blaine and Mike....

It was overall a great (challenging) day. We probably learned more than any other day of the trip.

Strange spring. It snowed 2 feet on Mount hood the other morning.
(Photo by Brad)

The boys watching the action from the beach.
Kent riding a wave. Kent - enjoying the swell...

Kent - Airborne
Harold Slashing
Kent again... Come on Kent, Lean more forward and straighten your arms!!!
Harold - Energizer Bunny - Kept going and going and going....

Moritz - Bike ride

Dr. Cam, enjoying a cool one, after a hard day on the water...
Kent - over handle bars....
Kent Showing Off..

Ted coming in, and Kent going out. (Photo by Brad)
Ted Jibe - Need to lean more forward...but hey - I made it around!!!
(Photo by Brad)
Mike fully powered on his 4.0. (Photo by Brad)

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